Longlist 2024

Many congratulations to the writers longlisted in our 2024 Award and big thanks to all those from around the world who entered. We have listed only the names of the longlisted writers here, so if they weren’t shortlisted, they can submit their stories elsewhere.

2024 Bath Short Story Award Long List
Susan Elsey
Fiona Dignan
Lynn Bushell
Ingrid Jendzrejewski
Jennifer Wawrzinek
Mary Murray Brown
Zoe Owens
Anna Linstrum
Emily Devane
Sallie Anderson
Karen Jones
Slawka G Scarso
Ruth Clarke
Máire T. Robinson
Marie Gethins
Joe Tuck
Andrew Preskey
Emily Rinkema
Maureen Cullen
Liz Houchin
Jennifer McMahon
Jay Mckenzie
Rob Campbell
Phoebe Hamilton-jones
Fiona Mckay
Katherine Marsh
Marie-Louise Mcguinness
John Bailey
Emily Macdonald
Ben Howels
Ruth Guthrie
Jane Fraser
Debra A Daniels
Emma Phillips
Katie Oliver
Pi James
Mary Black
Keren Heenan
Jaime Gill
Connor Donahue
Rebekah McDermott
Katie Piper
Finola Cahill
Joe Wedgbury
Nini Parfitt
Sam Jones