
Winners’ Biographies 2016 Award



Anne O’Brien


First prize:  Anne O’Brien

Five years ago, Anne O’Brien left her job in the European Commission in Brussels to pursue her passion in creative writing. Since then, she has gained a Masters degree in Creative Writing at Lancaster University and is currently working towards her PhD. Her stories have been shortlisted in many competitions including the Sunday Business Post/Penguin Ireland Short Story competition, the Bridport Prize, the BBC’s Opening Lines and the Fish Short Story Prize. Anne’s work has appeared in several anthologies and magazines as well as been translated and published in Vietnamese.


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Winners: Bath Short Story Award, 2016

We’re thrilled to announce the winners and the commended writers of the international Bath Short Story Award, 2016. This year, 1439 writers entered from around the globe, 64 stories were longlisted and 20 stories made the shortlist. Congratulations to all our long and shortlisted writers and special congratulations to the five winners and three commended writers. An anthology of  winning and shortlisted stories will be published this Autumn. Continue reading

Shortlisted authors BSSA 2016



Thomas Atkinson (photo by Melissa Breetz Barton)

Thomas M. Atkinson  is an American author and playwright. His story ‘Grimace in the Burnt Black Hills’ will appear in New Stories from the Midwest 2015 and received two 2013 Pushcart Prize nominations. ‘Me & Mr. Tinkles’ will appear in the Fish Anthology 2016. Standing Deadwood: Collected Stories, was a finalist in the 2014 Spokane Prize for Short Fiction and a finalist in the 2014 St. Lawrence Book Award for Fiction, and his new novel TIKI MAN was a finalist in the 2014 Leapfrog Press Fiction Contest. He has received five Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Awards. Shortlisted story: ‘Dancing Turtle’ Continue reading

BSSA 2016 Longlist

Congratulations to everyone who reached the long list of this year’s award and a big thank you to all the  writers who entered from around the globe. We received 1439 entries this year – stories from 45 different countries, covering most of the letters of the alphabet! Continue reading

Announcement dates for 2016 Award

After a busy reading period, we’ve finalised dates for this year’s Award announcements –

  • Long listed story titles will be published on this site and via social media on –

Friday 24th June

  • Short listed story titles will be  published on this site and via social media on –

Friday 1st July

  • The five  winning (1st, 2nd 3rd, local prize and Acorn Award for an unpublished writer) and the two commended stories selected by our judge, Mair Bosworth plus the author names for all listed stories will be  published on this site and via social media on –

Wednesday  13th July

Please note: All long listed, short listed, winning and commended authors will be informed by email (or phone, in the case of the winners) shortly before the public announcements are made.

Best wishes to all and thank you for your entries. We’ve been enjoying reading them.

A Compilation of Writing Advice

It’s five weeks today until our 2021 Award closes on Monday April 19th, 2021

To help you edit and shape your short story before submitting it, we’ve compiled a selection of tips from some writers we’ve interviewed over the years. We first posted this advice back in 2016 and there’s some really useful comments on beginnings, endings, themes, creating a stand-out story, titles and that all-important fine-editing.

On Beginnings,Paul McVeigh says:

  • Beginnings are very important. Talking specifically from the point of view of judging competitions and reading stories in an endless feast with a view of festivals etc., I find beginnings are crucial to keep me reading. For these platforms (which I don’t think have to apply to stories in a collection), one way to get my attention is to see the first page as pulling the ring from the grenade. I will read to see if it goes off – I assume it will and cause the maximum amount of damage possible. If that grenade doesn’t go off and you’ve written an end I believe in and welcome, then I will tip my hat to you. I will also be a bit jealous.

In 2014, we interviewed Colin Barrett, winner of the Guardian First Book prize 2014  for his brilliant short story collection, Young Skins. He has more to say about beginnings-

  • Try to make something interesting happen as near to the opening as you can. Now this doesn’t have to be some showy eruption of plot or an aphoristic nugget of an opening line, though it may well be; it might just be the deployment of an unobvious adjective or unexpected detail seamed somewhere into your opening paragraphs. A nuanced little observation or moment, carefully placed. If you can get a small moment right near the start it sends a signal to the reader that you can trust me, you can keep reading. There’s nowhere to hide with short stories, if its five or ten pages long it’s got to start well, do well in the middle, and end well. No point saying it gets good half way through.

Short story writer and novelist Annemarie Neary adds this:

  • Delete that first paragraph (probably). In any case, take us right into your world before we have a chance to back out. And voice your story. Breathe it. Make sure you’ve read it aloud before submitting.

On Standing out from the crowd Vanessa Gebbie has this to say:

  • All a writer can really do is learn the craft well, then forget it, and just tell a brilliant story. It does not have to be the ‘bells and whistles’ sort – quiet will do – but write your heart out onto the page, write the story you can’t not write – and keep your fingers crossed. And if, as happened to mine many times, your stories don’t make it – roll with the punches. Writing is not an exact science. Learn to accept the knocks along the way, and never, ever give up.Having given a sermon – for this reader,  a distinctive voice combined with great characterisation makes a piece stand out fast.

Novelist and short story writer, A L Kennedy, who we interviewed in 2013, adds this

  • Just try to say something you really care about as well as possible – as if you were writing for someone you love and respect. That will help.

Novelist, short story writer and poet Gerard Woodward says:

  • Make use of the limitations the form imposes on you. You can’t get everything into a short story, so don’t try to.

Second-prize winner BSSA 2015 Dan Powell has this to say:

  • Read the very best examples of the short story you can get your hands on. Look closely at how good stories work. Then write the story only you can write. Write the story you want to read that no one else is writing. Make it a bold and unique vision which can’t help but stand out when the judges make their selections.

On themes and subject matter:

Short story writer and poet Tania Hershman has this to say:

  • When I’ve judged competitions in the past we’ve seen certain topics that tend to be popular – elderly parents with dementia is one, for example. I’m not saying avoid these, but do think about whether you have something new to say about it, a different take. I think anything can be a great story, it can be a moment in time or a whole life in a few pages. A short story competition can only be won by one person, but if the deadline has inspired you to write something new, then you’re already a winner. Being longlisted and shortlisted are huge achievements, it means your story stood out to the judges and it should give you a real boost.

On endings, acclaimed short story writer Danielle McGaughlin says this:

  • As for endings: stop in the right place. Easier said than done, I know, but a short story can be ruined if the writer insists on carrying on past the ending. “… already in that space the light begins to fade into the calm gray even light of the novelist.”That quote is from a paragraph in The Lonely Voice where Frank O’ Connor is discussing an aspect of the work of Mary Lavin, and whether or not you agree with his assessment of Lavin’s work, I think the analogy of the fading of light is a good way of explaining the loss of intensity, the loss of explosiveness, that can occur when a short story continues on further than it should.

On editing, Antony Doerr says this:

  • Reward the generosity of your reader!  Try to examine every single word in your story and ask yourself: Is it a lazy choice?  Does this adjective/article/noun/verb absolutely need to be there?  If someone is nice enough to spend a half-hour reading something you’ve written, try to make your prose absolutely worthy of his or her time.  Make the dream that unfolds inside your sentences so persuasive, seamless and compelling, that your reader won’t put it down.

And our first prize winner BSSA 2015,, Safia Moore adds this:

  • There is no such thing as too much editing – you must be prepared to constantly read your own work, re-read it, make changes every time, cut anything that adds nothing to the storyline or characterisation, tighten up dialogue and enhance your descriptions with details that sound fresh, not clichéd.

Novelist, short story writer and winner of our second prize in 2014, Kit de Waal comments:

  • If you’re entering something for a competition, work it and then pull back. By that I mean, work over every line, work the tale, work the character, work the paragraph, work the ending and beginning, work the jokes and then look at what you can edit to leave only the essence. I suppose it would be like Coco Chanel says about getting dressed. She said that you should get all dressed up and then just before you leave the house take one thing off. Less is more.

On finding the right title

Short story writer and poet, Tania Hershman has this important advice on titles:

You want your work to stand out from the beginning in the huge pile that the judge has in front of him or her, and a good title will do that better than a quirky font or odd layout (avoid those). If a judge has ten stories called “The Visit” or “The Day it All Changed”, he or she might be rather jaded by the time it comes to the 10th. But don’t make your title too interesting or creative if your story can’t live up to it – make sure it does!

And finally, we love this comment by Tessa Hadley who we interviewed in 2013 –

 A title clinches something, it crisps the story up and seals it like a top on a bottle.

Latest news from winning and listed BSSA writers

A round-up of the latest news from some of our prize winning, short listed and longlisted authors. Let us know if you have any more news to post. Many congratulations to all, and we look forward to reading your work.

Hot of the Press: 2014 local prize winner, Anne Corlett’s debut novel, The Space Between the Stars has  just been acquired by Pan  Macmillan. The Bookseller wrote “Senior commissioning editor Bella Pagan bought world rights from Lisa Eveleigh at the Richford Becklow Literary Agency…Pagan said ‘I was utterly captivated by Jamie’s plight and her incredible journey – which is one of self-discovery as well as a hazardous push for home. Anne has an incredible talent and I can’t wait for others to discover it too.’  The novel will be published in 2017. You can read about Anne’s journey to publication on her blog

Second prize winner,  BSSA 2014 Kit de Waal’s  acclaimed debut  My Name is Leon is published in June by Viking. Kit was named as one of the Guardian newspaper’s new faces of fiction for 2016.Read’s Kit’s interview with us on this site.

Annemarie Neary is published in our 2014 anthology and her debut novel Siren will be published by Hutchinson (Penguin Random House UK), next month, March 24th with a second novel to follow in 2017. Siren was recently feature in the Independents iPaper as one of their Top 10 Book Club Reads for 2016.

Roisin 0’Donnell, commended in our 2014 BSSA has her debut short story collection coming out this year with New Island Press.

Annalisa Crawford recently won third prize in the prestigious Costa Short Story Award for her story, Watching the Storms Roll In which was longlisted, under a different title, in our 2015 Award.

Local prize winner in 2015 BSSA Award, KM Elkes was recently highly commended  in the  Bare Fiction magazine short story competition judged by Paul McVeigh

Read the stories from Anne, Kit, Roisin and KM Elkes in our 2014 and 2015 anthologies available to buy on this site to UK residents only because of the cost of posting overseas.  If you live overseas, you can buy in digital or printed form via Amazon.





2016 Award now closed

Thank you to everyone who entered BSSA 2016.  Initial judging is now underway. Subscribe to receive news of longlist announcements

Shortlist Judge: BBC Radio 4 producer Mair Bosworth


  • 1st £1000
  • 2nd £200
  • 3rd £100
  • Local prize: £50 voucher
  • The Acorn Award for unpublished writers of fiction : £50

With thanks to Mr B’s Emporium of Books, Bath for sponsoring the local prize.

A selection of twenty winning, shortlisted and longlisted stories will be published in the 2016 anthology  in digital and print format. (publication likely in October, 2016).

Follow us on Twitter @bathstoryaward and subscribe to our email list and posts to receive the latest news and competition updates.

2015 anthology

To read the winning, shortlisted and a selection of the longlisted stories from last year’s award,  buy the 2015 anthology officially launched 19th November 2015 in Bath, on this site  for £6 (inc p & p). (UK residents only). If you live overseas, the anthology is available digitally and in print from Amazon.


2015 – Thank you to all our supporters

Thank you to everyone who entered the 2015 Bath Short Story Award, followed us on social media, shared our news and bought our anthologies. We like to motivate you, but we  appreciate the energy you bring to the Award. It makes it all so much fun.

This year, over one thousand people entered the  2015 Award. There was a high standard of entries and it was hard to whittle down the long list to send a short list to our judge, literary agent, Carrie Kania.

Highlights  included:

  • Ringing up the winners – we all love doing this!
  • compiling the 2015 anthology and receiving it from the printers
  • the anthology launch, and having a two page spread on the evening in The Bath Chronicle
  • Our two events – the workshop with Paul McVeigh on Writing a Killer First Page and the Evening of Readings with Paul, and authors Rachel Heath and Sarah Hilary.

Our reading team is poised for the initial Big Read for 2016. Entries are coming in steadily from around the world. We hope you would like to enter. We close on 25th April – just over 16 weeks time. Not long really. Keep checking our countdown timer on this site and sign up to receive posts  and regular emails from us.

Have a great Writing New Year.

Jude, Jane and Anna